10 hours and 3 prints and trial and error later, I finally have my first creation. https://ift.tt/2pr4CpT https://ift.tt/2PFQB2b
Have you guys ever noticed how beautiful the ender 3 is while printing? (back of screen) https://ift.tt/2C6NiJf https://ift.tt/33mzczi
Very happy with my largest and longest print yet coming in at about 8hours and 30 minutes https://ift.tt/2r7aaWU https://ift.tt/34q94nC
My Mandalorian. Helmet was borrowed, everything else was printed. https://ift.tt/335DmeZ https://ift.tt/2NyW0oT
My first 3D print. I know it’s basic, but I’m very pleased! https://ift.tt/34yJaOD https://ift.tt/36s5B9W