3D printed the leviathan axe from god of war for my halloween costume https://ift.tt/2C7DwXj https://ift.tt/2NvDvlm
I was drunk dared to 3d print a set of wearable T-51 Nuka Cola Power Armor from Fallout. Joke is on them, I actually made it 2 years later… https://ift.tt/33aZmoR https://ift.tt/2Nyb8mI
I hate flossing, but flossers are a waste of plastic, so I 3D printed a reusable one! https://ift.tt/34qKnYc https://ift.tt/2C3lhSS
Saw this little spider-bot in a different subreddit, thought I’d play around with the file a bit for a different take on it. Additional pics/credits below. https://ift.tt/36rMJrt https://ift.tt/33cwaO2