TIL about Cura’s “Use Adaptive Layers” setting. Huge time savings on certain prints!

One of the products that I’m selling is a set of game tokens. These tokens are cylinders with a design on the top. Yesterday I said to my son, “It’s dumb that I have to print the whole thing at high resolution just because of the top!”And then I thought – I can’t be the first person to think of this, there are a lot of people smarter than I am.So I did a bit of Googling, and found “Use Adaptive Layers” in the Experimental settings. Slicing with adaptive layers gave me a 30-40% decrease in time. The majority of the item will now be printed with 0.20 resolution, while the detail on the top is at 0.12.I’m sure lots of you already know about this, but it was new (and super cool) to me, so I thought I would share. https://ift.tt/2JE1VIl