My filament keeps shooting out the side of the extruder gear and i dont know why. It has happend six times already and its always about 5 hours in on a print. I am printing on a prusa with the mmu.The filament is makergeeks pla printing at 225. The nozzle isnt jamed when i take it out fix it and reinsert the filament.Im not sure what im doing wrong. Ive contacted customer support and they walked me through steps of realiging the gears with the hole. Realiging the tension screws as well. And still have the same problem. Its only on extruder gear number 3. Numbers 1,2, and 4 print fine. notsureIf you need more info just ask me. I believe i know whats wrong i just cant prove it. Or know how. I think the filament is getting twisted while being pushed in and after awhile it twist so far it flips over and jams in there. I just can’t see it. And if that is the case anybody have any ideas how to fix that? http://ift.tt/2mLO6OO