The upcoming Yeehaw 3dprinter looks exactly like Xiaomi’s upcoming 3dprinter

I saw this on myminifactory which points to their indiegogo page this is the Xiaomi’s upcoming 3dprinter they all sharing the same factory manufacturing these? I thought Xiaomi is the type that would design their own product but it probably looks likes they use the free design and slapped their logo on it. I’m kinda disappointed now lol.

Wanhao D6/Monoprice Maker Ultimate – stepper motor silencer

While my Maker Ultimate is somewhere in the hands of DHL I continue researching as much as I can. I saw in Facebook about a Stepper Motor Silencer but can’t find much on what it is. Is it something you buy or something you print? It sounded like it was pretty good at reducing noise levels. And in a motorhome that will be important. Thanks!

FYI new maker select owners; it’s super easy to change or remove the buildtak. Don’t postpone the glass bed and PEI upgrade because there are reports of it taking hours to clean up.

I just removed the buildtak in less than 5 minutes with no hassle, here’s how.Heat the bed only to 100, let it heat for a few minutes to get everything softened. Its very hot, be careful. Use your scraper and lift a corner. Watch the white adhesive layer underneath and ensure it all comes up together by gently lifting any that didn’t lift up fully using the scraper. Be careful not to scratch your bed, this stuff comes up easy. Work along the front edge until you have a whole side up off the plate. Slowly continue to lift the buildtak until the whole thing is off. You will inevitably have some spots off adhesive remaining on the plate. Cut a square of the removed buildtak and use the sticky side to pickup the remaining adhesive from the plate by patting it. Once you think you have it all up use a paper towel and wipe the surface of the build plate. Where you see the paper towel lint is the remaining adhesive, pat it with a new square of the removed buildtak to remove, repeat until no lint sticks to plate.I held off doing this because of reports of it taking 5 hours cleaning adhesive. I’m so glad to have it done now and can’t wait to try out my new glass bed with PEI build surface.